Recommended Reads — Youth

Tea Dragon Society

The Tea Dragon Society 

by Katie O'Neill

Favorite quote:

“I want to keep making objects for people to love and give them a story. Maybe one day, someone’ll think about who gave it to them or where they bought it. Or who they shared it with. Or who owned it long ago. That’s a kind of magic, isn’t it?” 

What did you find intriguing about this book?

In a world of humans, goblins, dragons, and other magical creatures, Greta discovers a small tea dragon surrounded by a pack of hungry dogs. By saving this little dragon and finding Hesekiel, a local tea merchant to help care for the dragon, she discovers the world of the Tea Dragon Society. Tea dragons each produce their own special type of tea leaves on their antlers: jasmine, ginseng, earl grey, and so on. The Society are those who help care for these special little dragons and help produce wonderful teas and all the magic that goes with it. With their help, Greta can help another newfound friend: Minette, a mysterious girl with little memory of her past. Author and artist, Katie O’Neill has shared this magical and beautiful fantasy world first as a web comic series and now as books in the Tea Dragon Society series. The next book, The Tea Dragon Tapestry (The Tea Dragon Society) is coming out this Fall of 2021, so check out this delightfully warm-hearted series with the first book, The Tea Dragon Society.