#TBT - Ads of the Past
Advertising, it seems, is almost as old as time itself. With that in mind, let’s take a look some newspaper ads from 1814, 1875, 1899, 1912, 1921, 1955, 1976, and 1998!

Butler County Democrat - 1875/11/04

Miami Intellgencer - 1814/08/22

Middletown Daily Signal - 1899/07/14

Middletown Daily Signal - 1899/07/14

Middletown News-Signal - 1912/05/06

Middletown Journal - 1921/09/02

Middletown Journal - 1955/05/01

Middletown Journal - 1976/04/01

Middletown Journal - 1976/04/02

Middletown Journal - 1998/02/01